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Dark Blue Satin

Part Number : ADUPSP950

Quick Overview

VHT Vinyl Dye for vinyl and carpeting restores or changes the color of any vinyl upholstery, seats and trim, or the "short nap" carpeting found in today's cars, boats and watercraft. It is ideal for use on stiff or pliable vinyl, simulated leather or plastic. It is extremely resistant to cracking or fading. Careful preparation is essential and all traces of dirt, silicone products, vinyl and rubber protectants, oils and greases must be removed. Incomplete preparation will not produce a satisfactory result.* Temperature: n/a* Applications: Carpet, Vinyl Dashboards, Vinyl Seats, Trunk Carpet, Soft Tops, Untreated Leather* Finish: Satin* Dry Time: Dries to the touch in 30 minutes. Dries thoroughly overnight. No curing required.