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Rislone 4 Cyl. Compress Case

Part Number : ABRP4440

Quick Overview

  • Contains a non-dispersant olefin copolymer to fill scratches & grooves in cylinder walls eliminating blow-by gasses and compression from leaking past the rings fouling the crankcase oil.
  • Blow-by is usually caused by gaps in internal engine parts resulting from excess wear.
  • The Viscosity Improver (VI) is designed specifically to provide an optimum balance of shear stability and thickening efficiency required in old and modern engines. This performance additive meets the most severe passenger car and truck engine requirements.
  • Product also works by freeing sticky rings to increase compression while also reducing friction and wear.
  • Some signs of decreased compression include loss of power, poor fuel mileage, oil consumption, blue smoke from exhaust, plug fouling and engine noise or vibration.
  • Rislone Compression Repair with Ring Seal does not contain any lead that could damage the inside of your engine or be burned and contaminate emissions components or the environment.