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RESET + Oil & Service Maintenance Reset Tool

Part Number : ACDORESETP

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Reset Oil And Service Reminder lights on vehicles 1996 And newer
  • On-Screen Instructions included for manually reset vehicles – SAVES
  • Fast and easy operation
  • Added functions based on manufacturer: Oil Reset, Microfilter, Front and Rear Brake, VIN, Diesel Particulate Filter, Spark Plug, etc.
  • FREE Internet Updates ensure communication with the latest vehicles!

Today's vehicles require the Oil Service light to be reset after a routine oil change. Many vehicles require a complex procedure to perform these resets with instructions often too difficult to find. The Reset + makes it easy with step-by-step instructions right on the screen! Additionally, some European vehicles have many maintenance resets such as air filter, brake pad service or cabin filter replacement. the Reset + performs these along with many other electronic OBD maintenance resets. The Reset + is perfect for repair shops, lube shops and Do-It-Yourselfers.