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GM Thermostat Wrench

Part Number : ACAL751

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Reverse angle wrench to get at difficult GM Thermostat nuts
  • 13mm, 12 point with special bends specifically for GM V6 thermostat housings
  • Unique shape and design will allow users to remove and install the housings on thermostats
  • The GM Thermostat wrench is designed to work on GM3.1 and 3.4 liter V6 engines
  • Made of heat treated steel

A common job on these motors as is in all motors is thermostat replacement and to do this you must remove the thermostat housing. In these applications the bottom housing bolt is almost inaccessible without removing other parts….until now. Our GM thermostat wrench with its unique shape and design will allow users to remove and install the housings in a fraction of the time it currently takes.