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2-PC 84T Full Polish Long Handle Ratchet Set

Part Number : AKDT81268

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • 84 teeth give a 4.3° ratchet arc so you can reach any fastener and get the job done quickly
  • Teardrop low profile head allows better access in tight spaces
  • Longer reach handle to access hard to reach fasteners and give increased leverage
  • Enclosed head design for extreme resistance to dirt
  • Highly visible on/off markings on the head

This set includes the 1/4" drive and 3/8" drive ratchets. Exceeds ASME torque performance specifications. The GearWrench 84 Tooth Long Handle Ratchets provide easier access to hard to reach fasteners and give increased leverage due to the longer handle design, making it easier and quicker to complete jobs.