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Part Number : ASEADC14

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Petroleum based formula quickly penetrates rusted parts
  • Moving metal parts, disperses moisture, and cuts through grease, engine varnish and road tar
  • Withstands heat better than other penetrating oils
  • Mechanics, sportsmen and hobbyists love Deep Creep

Deep Creep has hundreds of household and workshop uses and outperforms all the leading penetrating sprays on the market. Deep Creep’s unique spray can even works with the can held upside down so you can use it in difficult-to-reach applications.

Mechanics, sportsmen and hobbyists love Deep Creep as a gun cleaner, lubricating and dispersing moisture on fishing reels, engine parts, clamps, wheels, air tools, locks, rollers, chains, gears, drawer slides, hinges and ball bearings.