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Part Number : AJET320034

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • The power train gears and spline shaft are made of the finest quality, heat treated and ground nickel-chrome steel, giving extra strength and smoothness to high torque loads
  • The spindle is made of the finest case hardened steel for extra strength and wear
  • The spindle is supported by double row taper roller and thrust ball bearings at the nose, with thrust and radial axis bearings at the top
  • The spindle is built to withstand exceptionally heavy drilling and boring loads and to insure maximum accuracy
  • Push button controls are all reduced to 110V

Electrical circuits are located in the built-in control box at the rear of the arm- this keeps the controls dust and humidity free while making them easily accessible for maintenance. Entire frame is made of Meehanite and high tensile strength cast iron to handle the heaviest of jobs. Arm raising safety device prevents arm from dropping. 12 speeds/3 feed rates make exotic materials easier to drill, bore and tap.