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Part Number : AJET321940

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • 7.5HP, 3Ph, 230/460V motor (Prewired 230V)
  • Uniquely designed exclusively by JET
  • ISO 9001 certified manufacturer
  • 3-1/8" bore spindle is supported by two tapered and one ball bearing
  • Chrome molybdenum headstock gears are hardened, ground, and shaved

The ZX series large spindle bore lathes are a JET exclusive!! The 3-1/8" spindle bore is supported by two tapered and one ball bearing, while the headstock gears are hardened, ground, shaved and composed of chrome molybdenum. The universal gearbox allows inch, metric, diametrical, and module pitch threads with no change of gears required. The carriage features one-shot lubrication, Turcite-B on bed sliding surfaces, and five position automatic carriage stops to increase productivity.