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Part Number : ASES860LCLIK

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • The pliers that Chrysler says you need for the new CLIC hose clamp
  • Locks and unlocks larger reusable "CLIC" clamps
  • Swivel head allows 300 degree access to many clamps
  • Longer reach pliers - 4" long jaws
  • For larger clamps or clamps that are harder to reach

"Chrysler is moving to a new type of hose clamp across the board called the CLIC, which requires a special set of pliers" per Motor Magazine Nov. 2012. These are the pliers you need for the CLIC clamp.  Tired of breaking off reusable "clic" style hose clamps? Swivel head allows 300 degree access to many clamps that are located in tough spots. Clamp to remove and re-use on newer style power steering pumps and other under hood clamping applications. Heavy duty steel frame with vinyl cushion grips. Made in U.S.A.