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Eat'N Tool

Part Number : ACRK9100C

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Spork eating tool (ergonomic spoon and fork)
  • Bottle opener
  • Screwdriver blade
  • 6mm, 8mm, 10mm wrench
  • Weighs just 1.5 oz.

Just put your finger through the hole like this to use me as a soup or breakfast spoon around the camp stove. My four tines are short, but they’re surprisingly effective as a fork, especially
if you’re hungry and it’s all you have. Open your favorite sodas, microbrews, and food in glass containers with my built-in bottle
and jar opener. This little flat tang does a fine job as a flat bladed screwdriver in a pinch. You can also use the flat tang as a pry bar when you need to get something open in the city. I have three hex wrenches cut into my body, 10 mm, 8 mm, and 6 mm, which can be very handy when something comes loose.