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Part Number : AVIMTPXL08

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits
  • 12" long blades with Tamper Proof Torx on one end and 5 point security tips on the opposite end
  • Double drive screwdriver handle, bits can be inserted as a standard screwdriver, or as a T-handle
  • S2 steel, the strongest hardest drivers available
  • Heat treated to 60-62 RC
  • The blades are satin chrome plated with a black tip on the 5 point end
Vim's new extra long security driver set, includes 12" long interchangeable blades with T10 thru T40 Tamper Proof Torx on one end and 5 Point security Drivers on the opposite end. The Blades can be put in the 2-Way screwdriver handle as a screwdriver or "T" handle. The set also includes a special bit holder so that these blades can be used with your favorite 1/4" drive ratchet handle. Comes with a plastic storage case. Limited Lifetime Warranty.