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Part Number : AIRTGS25

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits
  • Optimized High Performance Motor - 0.35hp motor delivers impressive power that exceeds most pneumatic die grinders
  • Advanced Gearing for Leading Durability - The same proven collet and dual ball bearings as our pneumatic die grinders
  • Exclusive Motor Control - Extends tool life by preventing motor damage from heat or stalling
  • Variable Speed with Safety Lock - Maximum safety and control. Provides featherable speed control while preventing inadvertent tool starts
  • Free speed: 25,000
  • Battey sold separately
The IRTGS25 cordless straight die grinder provides the perfect combination of performance and portability for light-duty grinding applications. Featuring the patent-pending IQv Grip twist to lock mounting that grips the battery into the tool for the strongest, most secure design available. Compatible with all 14.4v IQv batteries including NiCd and Lithium Ion.