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Part Number : ATOT230395-1

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits
  • Super-concentrated formula will completely remove road film, dirt and grime leaving windshields sparkling clean
  • Environmentally safe - non-toxic, biodegradable and engineered safe for rubber and paint
  • Bulk tablet packaging for commercial and fleet use - car dealerships, large and small trucking companies
  • Easy storage - no gallon bottles or unsightly containers
  • Economical - 1 tablet equals 1 gallon of solution
Each summer 100 million empty gallon bottles of windshield cleaner are trashed, cluttering up our nation's landfills. 303 Instant Windshield Washer Tablets mean no plastic bottles to dispose of. Each super-concentrated tablet will give you up to a gallon of unbelievable cleaner power. Formulated to completely remove bugs and road film, "303" tablets can even be used in the winter months with any anti-freeze windshield solvent to ADD cleaning power those products lack. Stores in your glove box. 303 Instant Windshield Washer Tablets... we supply the cleaning power, you add the water.