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Part Number : ACOO311519

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • A fast, easy and reliable way to test engine coolant effectiveness
  • With one simple dip, you can determine an engine's protection against freeze-up, boil over and acid buildup with a highly effective pH test
  • You can also use CoolTrak® to determine when to send coolant for recycling and to check recycled coolant for effectiveness
  • CoolTrak® has been proven effective withe the US military and has been approved for use by the U.S. Postal Service and municipal vehicle maintenance centers across the country
  • Test works with both ethylene and propylene glycol-based coolants

CoolTrak’s coolant pH chemistry gives you more knowledge regarding engine coolant condition. In 15 seconds, CoolTrak® measures coolant freezepoint, boilpoint and pH levels of 6, 7, 7.5, 8 and 11. This new chemistry will help you detect acid buildup, which can cause leaks and damage to the water pump, head gasket and other cooling system components.