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Part Number : AKAS5344

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Designed to release the tension on spring-loaded idler pulleys
  • Allow direct access to the tensioner without having to remove engine accessories or frame components
  • Ratcheting wheel  allows quick and easy positioning of the wrench driving end to allow the user to access the tensioner from any angle
  • This can be done by rotating the drive end on the wrench to match the position of the serpentine belt tensioner

Heat treated and nickel chrome plated for durability, apperance, and long tool life. Slim head design allows access to tight areas found in the tensioner area on somoe front wheel drive vehicles. Sizes: 13mm or 1/2" hex, 14mm hex, 15mm hex, 16mm or 5/8" hex, 17mm hex, 18mm hex, 19mm or 3/4" hex, 3/8" square, 1/2" square, 3/4" square. Made in U.S.A.