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Part Number : ASTATU16PB

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:
  • Two gauges included:  2-1/2" gauge has 0-100 PSI/0-7 bar dial, 3-1/2" gauge has 0-400 PSI/0-28 kg/cm2 dial
  • Has quick coupler connections for easy and fast change of gauges
  • With 6 ft. of Nitrile (oil proof) hose to make testing easier, plus U.S. and Metric fittings
This allows you to check oil pressure in automatic transmissions and gasoline engines.  Also test all Domestic cars and light trucks and most Imported cars and light trucks. This is more accurate than dashboard oil pressure gauges. It's especially helpful on cars with dash indicator lights only. This set includes two gauges, a large gauge that is for all applications and a small gauge that is for more accurate readings of lower engine oil pressures.  This set is included in a plastic case with instructions.