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Part Number : AACMA639

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Easy to operate and manuever - simply push the tip against a surface to activate air flow
  • Enables user to utilize air to clean air lines and blow out fluid lines
  • When used with an extension (not included), blowing out hard-to-reach areas is no longer a challenge with the gun's push to activate design
  • When used without an extension, the knurled body makes the gun easy to grip and hold
  • The rubber tip won't mar surfaces and the tip's shape is ideal for small diameter cylindrical-type objects (tubing, lines, etc.)
This can also be used as a regular blow gun by pulling the nozzle with one hand to activate air flow. Activation force is less than 4 lbs. so only one hand is required and minimal push force is needed. Air flow stops when the user pulls the blow gun away. Applications include: blowing fluids and clogs out of transmission or fluid lines, and clearing out heat exchangers and equipment using piping or tubing. Specifications: pressure rating: 125 PSI, operating temperature: 32 degrees - 175 degrees F., length: 3", diameter: 3/4", weight: 0.165 lbs. with a 1/4" NPT input port. Body is made of nickel plated brass.