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Part Number : ATRATP384012025

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits
  • Co-Solvent free
  • Certified to meet SAE J2297
  • Single Billable bottle, (12) 1/4oz bottles
  • Glows bright, so the leak can be detected
  • Highly concentrated
Leaks are often virtually impossible to find with conventional methods until they result in expensive vehicle failure. Tracerline leak detection utilizes a simple method that has only two basic parts. A high-intensity Tracerline ultraviolet or UV/blue light lamp is teamed up with the appropriate Dye Fluoro-Lite (A/C) fluorescent tracer dye. The fluorescent dye is added to the system and circulated. The system is then inspected with the lamp. Since the dye collects at all leak sites, the lamp will show the precise location of every leak with a bright glow. This Universal Dye is compatible with all A/C systems and comes in a case of (12) 1/4 oz bottles. (Inspection lamp not included)