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Part Number : ASCH96600

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • The specially designed tips of these pliers grip a large surface area of the hose to reduce damage and help remove the hose
  • These pliers also work on a variety of hoses with different diameters
  • The unique design helps in installing the hose by giving the professional technician a way to grip the hose down in confined areas which restrict the use of the technician's hands
  • Made from quality steel these pliers come with soft grip handles

Removal of many hoses can be difficult when the hose connection is in a confined area and stuck because of corrosion between the hose and its fitting.  These pliers have the ability to power rotate the hose to break it loose from its fitting.  In the same motion these pliers can be rotated 90° to easily pull the hose from the fitting.