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Part Number : APHOV12-205

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Patented Reverse Fluid Injection
  • GSA, military, OEM, and ABS approved
  • Single technician operation
  • Removes trapped air in brake system which is the top cause of a "spongy pedal"
  • Portable, lightweight, durable

No electricity or pressurized air required. Cost-effective and multi-functional, constructed from die cast steel and aluminum and simple to disassemble. Includes instructional DVD. Knotted bungi to provide seal. Pros have known for years that trapped air kills the response of even high end brake systems and leaves your "average" brake or clutch assembly mushy,weak and dangerous. So how do the pros obliterate trapped air making sure every brake system performs to it's top potential and get a rock hard pedal every time? By using the V-12 Reverse Brake Bleeder, which is capable of performing 4 bleeding methods to force the air out. The V-12 will help you obliterate trapped air fast and get maximum response out of your brake system.