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Part Number : AJBW8265S

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • A remarkably easy, convenient, and inexpensive alternative to welding, soldering, and brazing
  • Packaged in two tubes; one contains liquid steel/epoxy resin, and the other contains hardener - when mixed together in equal portions, the mixture becomes a compound
  • Use as an adhesive, laminate, plug, filler, sealant, and electrical insulator
  • Water-proof, petroleum, chemical and acid resistant
  • Super strong, non-toxic and safe to use

Like metal J-B Weld can be formed, drilled, ground, tapped, machined, filled, sanded, and painted. It stays pliable for about 30 minutes after mixing, sets in 4-6 hours, and cures fully in 15-24 hours. It also resists shock, vibration, and extreme temperature fluctuations, and withstands temperatures up to 500 degrees F. J-B Weld bonds to virtually any combination of iron, steel, copper, aluminum, brass, bronze, pewter, porcelain, ceramic, marble, glass, PVC and ABS, concrete, fiberglass, wood, fabric paper - just about any porous and non-porous material.