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Part Number : ALEGL8344

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Levelwind™ Technology - unique winding system automatically layers hose back and forth across the reel, this ensures that the hose is coiled easily and smoothly every time!
  • Adjustable hose stopper allows user to increase or decrease the length of the hose that remains when hose is fully retracted
  • Seven position locking bracket - reel can swivel freely on a mounting bracket up to 138 degrees or can be locked into place using the locking brace
  • Chose from latching hose every 3' for extended reach or switch to free run for immediate automatic rewinding
  • Extra large 3/4" swivel reduces flow restrictions and allows for maximum flow

Portable! Use freestanding or mounted on wall or ceiling, flat base allows reel to rest on ground. Built in handle for carrying ease. Made from durable UV stabilized polypropylene. Made in the U.S.A.