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Part Number : AACC10-0322

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Patented strobe marks stop turning at precisely the correct torque every time
  • Manufactured with Swedish spring steel
  • Solid one piece construction
  • Deep well sockets for those special applications where regular socket depth is just not enough
  • ISO 9001 certified and covered by a lifetime guarantee

AccuTorq™ lets you see exactly when your lug is at the correct torque. No more guesswork! Applications include most cars and minivans. Set includes these sockets: Green: 17mm - 55 ft./lb.  Red: 17mm - 80 ft./lb. Yellow: 19mm - 3/4” - 65 ft./lb. Blue: 19mm - 3/4” - 80 ft./lb. Gray: 19mm - 3/4” - 100 ft./lb.  Light brown: 21mm - 80 ft./lb. Brown: 13/16” - 100 ft./lb.  White: 7/8” - 120 ft./lb.  Turquoise: 7/8” - 140 ft./lb.  Light Green: 15/16” - 140 ft./lb. Packaged in a convenient molded plastic carrying case.