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Part Number : AKTI70450

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:
  • Extreme protection
  • Size: 50” x 80”
  • A patented high-tech carbon fiber product (US Patent # 6,696,374)
  • Lightweight, soft, and flexible
  • Withstands temperatures to 3,000 degrees F, fire, and heat resistant
Reduces the chance of sparks damaging fabrics, pitting glass, or marring paint. Will not scratch any painted surface. Can be used in emergencies to smother small fires in a car or anywhere in the shop. Warning: Avoid contact with flammable liquids. Flammable liquids will ignite when exposed to sparks or flame. Always inspect welding blankets for damage before use. Avoid sharp edges or other obstructions to prevent damage to blanket. Clean blanket after each use. To clean, shake the blanket and replace in the original bag. DO NOT clean with water or other liquids. Do not use when wet.