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Part Number : AJLM1500

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Includes all the basic requirements for today's professional collision repair technician
  • 5 year warranty
  • Unique, solid quality, U.S. manufactured product

Kit incorporates a new low-heat transformer especially designed for today's high-strength steel uni-body vehicles. With plenty of power for any job, this welder virtually eliminates "Burn-through" that can be a problem common to other welders. It features a lightweight, ergonomic design with heavy duty construction, low heat transfer and the highest level of reliability. Kit includes: Magna Spot 1500 Gun, heavy duty slide hammer, molded storage case, 3 electrodes, (500) pack of 2mm draw pins, 150 rivets and exclusive Magna Pin System (M.P.S.)

Magna -spot 1500 stud kit
Magna spot 1500 gun
H.D. slide hammer
Blow molded case
(3) electrodes
(500) 2mm draw pins
(150) rivets
5 Year warranty