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Part Number : AUEIADM5201

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Includes 4 testing functions - O2 Sensor, ground, battery and alternator charging and battery drain tests
  • Diagnose 1 to 12 cylinder Engines - Accurate RPM measurements and 4 step adjustable triggers
  • ms-Pulse Width test - PFI and TBI type fuel injectors, Ideal air control motors and electronic transmission controls
  • 4-4/5 digit, 50,000 count primary and 9,999 count secondary dual display with bar-graph (Frequency range: 99,999 counts)
  • Temperature measurement up to 2,372 degree F or 1,300 degree C

The ADM5201 advanced handheld automotive multimeter combines all the features of a full function multimeter and integrates the functions of an O2 Sensor tester, PFI and TBI Fuel Injection tester.  The ADM5201 provides a quick and accurate diagnosis of the complete O2 circuit.  It is also capable of sending a Rich/Lean signal to the ECM, and displaying crossing-per-second (CC) and O2 voltage simultaneously, when secondary display shows test results.  This professional grade multimeter provides efficient trouble shooting solutions to the most difficult problems encountered in today's sophisticated automotive electronic systems.  This device has a bright LED backlight. A battery access door allows users to replace the battery and fuse without breaking calibration seals!  High impact over-molded case absorbs shock over more of the case than a conventional rubber boot design. Convenient closed case calibration allows adjustments to be made directly through the Optically-Isolated RS232 serial port.  This has several features including 1ms Peak Mode, Auto-power off, Memory store and recall (20 locations), and a three year limited warranty.