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Part Number : APHOMAXPRO-205

Quick Overview

Features and Benefits:

  • Patented Reverse Fluid Injection
  • GSA, military, OEM and ABS approved
  • Removes trapped air in brake system which is the top cause of "spongy pedal"
  • No electricity or pressurized air required
  • Constructed from die cast steel and aluminum and simple to disassemble

With the Phoenix MaxPro®, one man can bleed the brakes on any vehicle in 10 minutes or less-even if it's a tough ABS job (you won't need a scan tool or special clips). Even if it's a Ford Ranger clutch (Know what we mean?). Don't force trapped air down. Push it up- and out. The Phoenix MaxPro Reverse Brake Bleeder is a revolutionary tool based on the incredibly obvious concept Air wants to go up. That's it. Traditional brake bleeding tools and techniques fight this principal. At Phoenix, we harness it so you can quickly remove all the air from the whole braking system. Phoenix reverse bleeding is patented and approved by GM, Raybestos, Bendix and the US Military.